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What Does the Word Displacement Mean in Science





a. The act of displacing.

b. The condition of having been displaced.

2. Chemistry A reaction in which an atom, radical, ion, or molecule replaces another in a compound.

3. Physics

a. A vector or the magnitude of a vector from the initial position to a subsequent position assumed by a body.

b. The weight or volume of a fluid displaced by a floating body, used especially as a measurement of the weight or bulk of ships.

4. The volume displaced by a single stroke of a piston in an engine or pump.

5. Geology

a. The relative movement between the two sides of a fault.

b. The distance between the two sides of a fault. Also called dislocation.

6. Psychiatry A psychological defense mechanism in which there is an unconscious shift of emotions, affect, or desires from the original object to a more acceptable or immediate substitute.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. (Chemistry) the act of displacing or the condition of being displaced

2. (Social Welfare) the act of displacing or the condition of being displaced

3. (General Physics) the weight or volume displaced by a floating or submerged body in a fluid

5. (Mechanical Engineering) the volume displaced by the piston of a reciprocating pump or engine

6. (Psychoanalysis) psychoanal the transferring of emotional feelings from their original object to one that disguises their real nature

7. (Geological Science) geology the distance any point on one side of a fault plane has moved in relation to a corresponding point on the opposite side

8. (Astronomy) astronomy an apparent change in position of a body, such as a star

9. (Mathematics) maths the distance measured in a particular direction from a reference point. Symbol: s

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(dɪsˈpleɪs mənt)


1. the act of displacing.

2. the state of being displaced or the amount or degree to which something is displaced.


a. the linear or angular distance in a given direction between a body or point and a reference position.

b. the distance of an oscillating body from its equilibrium position.

4. the volume of the space through which a piston travels during a single stroke in an engine, pump, or the like.

5. the weight or the volume of fluid displaced by a floating or submerged body, as a ship.

6. the offset of rocks caused by movement along a fault.

7. the transfer of an emotion from its original focus to another object, person, or situation.


Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. The man who gets angry at the office but is afraid to lose his temper there, may arrive home and let out all that pent-up aggression on the family. In a process known as displacement, he has directed his anger to a handy substitute.

2. Another word for dislocation.

Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited

Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend:

Noun 1. displacement - act of taking the place of another especially using underhanded tactics


replacement, replacing - the act of furnishing an equivalent person or thing in the place of another; "replacing the star will not be easy"

2. displacement - an event in which something is displaced without rotation displacement - an event in which something is displaced without rotation


amplitude - (physics) the maximum displacement of a periodic wave

luxation - displacement or misalignment of a joint or organ

translation - a uniform movement without rotation

3. displacement - the act of uniform movement


movement, move, motion - the act of changing location from one place to another; "police controlled the motion of the crowd"; "the movement of people from the farms to the cities"; "his move put him directly in my path"

4. displacement - (chemistry) a reaction in which an elementary substance displaces and sets free a constituent element from a compound

displacement reaction

chemical science, chemistry - the science of matter; the branch of the natural sciences dealing with the composition of substances and their properties and reactions

chemical reaction, reaction - (chemistry) a process in which one or more substances are changed into others; "there was a chemical reaction of the lime with the ground water"

5. displacement - (psychiatry) a defense mechanism that transfers affect or reaction from the original object to some more acceptable one

psychiatry, psychological medicine, psychopathology - the branch of medicine dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders

transference - (psychoanalysis) the process whereby emotions are passed on or displaced from one person to another; during psychoanalysis the displacement of feelings toward others (usually the parents) is onto the analyst

defence, defence mechanism, defence reaction, defense mechanism, defense reaction, defense - (psychiatry) an unconscious process that tries to reduce the anxiety associated with instinctive desires

6. displacement - to move something from its natural environment


movement - the act of changing the location of something; "the movement of cargo onto the vessel"

7. displacement - act of removing from office or employment

rejection - the act of rejecting something; "his proposals were met with rejection"

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



A change in normal place or position:

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


تَغيير مَكان الشَيء، إزاحَه، تَبْديل

nahrazení odstranění přemístění

erstatning fortrængning





[dɪsˈpleɪsmənt] N

Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[dɪsˈpleɪsmənt] n [people, workers, refugees] → déplacement m

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005




displacement ton

n (Naut) → Verdrängungstonne f

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(disˈpleis) verb

1. to disarrange or put out of place. verskuif, verplaas يُزيح، يَضَعُ الشَيء في مَكان آخر измествам deslocar přemístit; odstranit verdrängen fordrive εκτοπίζω desplazar ümber paigutama جا به جا کردن؛ حرکت دادن siirtää paikaltaan déplacer לַעֲקוֹר, לְהָזִיז מִמקוֹמוֹ अपनी जगह से हटा देना premjestiti, skloniti elmozdít membatalkan, memindahkan færa úr stað spostare 置き換える 추방하다 perstatyti/pastatyti ne į tą vietą pārvietot berubah tempat verplaatsen flytte, forskyve, fjerne przemieszczać بي ځايه كول: دبل چا ځاى نيول: مو قوفول deslocar a deplasa переставлять premiestniť; odstrániť premestiti razmestiti flytta [på], rubba ทำให้ย้ายที่ yerini değiştirmek, başka yere koymak 挪移,迫使離開原位 переставляти; пересувати اپنی جگہ سے ہلانا chuyển chỗ 挪开,移置

2. to take the place of. The dog had displaced her doll in the little girl's affections. vervang يَحِلُّ مَحَل، يُبَدِّل замествам substituir nahradit ersetzen erstatte υποσκελίζω, παίρνω τη θέση κπ. sustituir, reemplazar aset täitma جای چیزی را گرفتن؛ جایگزین شدن syrjäyttää remplacer לִתפּוֹש אֶת הַמָקוֹם दूसरों का स्थान लेना istisnuti kiszorít menggantikan koma í staðinn fyrir sostituire ~に取って代わる 대신하다 pakeisti, užimti kieno nors vietą izspiest; aizstāt mengambil vervangen fortrenge, erstatte zastąpić دبل چا ځاى نيول substituir a lua locul вытеснять nahradiť nadomestiti zameniti ersätta เข้าแทนที่ yerini almak 取代 витісняти, заміщати کسی کی جگہ لینا chiếm chỗ 替换,置换

disˈplacement noun

verskuiwing, verplasing, vervanging تَغيير مَكان الشَيء، إزاحَه، تَبْديل преместване deslocamento přemístění; odstranění; nahrazení die Verdrängung erstatning; fortrængning μετατόπιση, εκτόπισμα desplazamiento, reemplazo teisaldamine, asendamine جا به جایی؛ تغییر مکان syrjäytys déplacement, remplacement תְפִיסָת מְקוֹמוֹ उद्वासन, विस्थापन premještaj elmozdulás penggantian tilfærsla spostamento; sostituzione 置き換え 옮김, 대체 perstatymas, pakeitimas pārvietošana; izspiešana; aizstāšana perubahan verplaatsing, vervanging fortrengning; forflytning, forskyvning przemieszczenie ځای پر ځای شوی deslocação deplasare; înlocuire перестановка; вытеснение nahradenie nadomestitev premeštanje omflyttning, rubbning, ersättande การย้ายออก; การเคลื่อนออก; การไล่ออก; การขับไล่ yer değiştirme, yerini alma 挪移,取代 зміщення, переставляння جگہ سے اکھاڑنے کا عمل sự đổi chỗ 移置,取代

displaced person

a person forced to leave his own country as a result of war etc. ontworteldes, ontheemdes, uitgewekenes مُرَحَّل، مُشَرَّد عَن وَطَنِهِ бежанец refugiado vysídlenec der/die Verschleppte fordrevet menneske πρόσφυγας refugiado pagulane, ümberasustatu آدم آواره و بی خانمان pakolainen personne déplacée עקור विस्थापित व्यक्ति prognanik, prognanica hontalan személy orang terusir uppflosnaður maður; flóttamaður profugo, espatriato 難民 난민, 유민 perkeltasis asmuo pārvietotās personas orang yang mengambil alih vluchteling flykting uchodźca آواړه refugiado persoană deportată перемещённое лицо vysídlenec preseljenec nraseljeno lice tvångsförflyttad, flykting คนที่ถูกบังคับให้ออกจากประเทศเนื่องจากสงคราม sürgün 流離失所的人,難民 переміщена особа ملک بدر người tị nạn 因战争而逃离故乡的人,难民

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


n. desplazamiento; dislocación; transferencia de una emoción a otra distinta de la inicial;

___ of pelvic bone___ del hueso pélvico.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


n (ortho, psych, etc.) desplazamiento

English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

What Does the Word Displacement Mean in Science
