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Sample Indian Keto Diet Plan

The 15 Day Indian Keto Meal Plan to Stay Fit, Energetic & Lose Weight

Today everyone wants to be fit and has become extremely health conscious when it comes to decisions they make with food. Eating correctly is the most important step when it comes to losing weight. The pace and speed at which you shed those extra kgs is all dependent on how healthy or unhealthy one's meals are. That's why there are always new fads coming in and out when it comes to effective weight loss techniques. Everyone wishes for fast results and thus try out the weirdest hacks. One such diet is the Keto diet plan, that aims to cut out carbs from the dieter's meal plan, and it has proven to be beneficial to many. Thus it can be assumed that the keto diet plan is here to stay. Initially used to treat medical ailments such as epilepsy, now has become a weight loss secret that several celebrities swear by. . Here's why the keto diet plan is so popular

Low carb diets like the keto diet meal plan are gaining all the traction as it has promised rapid weight loss without making one feel starved and deprived of food; it is almost like having the best of both worlds. However when it comes to Indian food, there is a general assumption about food being too rich, spicy, oily and filled flavor; basically one would not look at Indian meals and call them appropriate diet foods.  While our herbs and spices that make food so satisfying are usually keto friendly, they are often times paired with foods that are carb dense, or ingredients that can keep one from entering into ketosis.

Fortunately today with the growing success of keto, there are increasingly more ways that the keto diet plan is being tailored to the Indian needs and palate.  In this guide we shall discuss an Indian keto diet meal plan to stay fit, energetic and lose weight.

Let's first understand what is Keto?

Keto for Weight loss: What is the Keto Diet?

The Ketogenic or Keto Diet plan is a high fat, low carb diet. It works on the idea that you deprive the body of its preferred fuel source, that is carbohydrates, and use fats for energy instead. The diet works in such a manner that body will get more calories from the proteins and fats that enter the body, and less from the carbohydrates. When one reduces their carbohydrate intake, the body eventually runs out of fuel, or blood sugar, that it can use quickly; this usually happens after three to four days of minimizing your carb intake. When the body realizes that it does not have enough quick fuel, it starts to break down protein and fat for energy.

Therefore, when one reduces their carbohydrate intake, the body eventually runs out of fuel, or blood sugar, that it can use quickly; this usually happens after three to four days of minimizing your carb intake. When the body realizes that it does not have enough quick fuel, it starts to break down protein and fat for energy, which leads to weight loss. The reduction in carbs puts the body into a metabolic state known as ketosis.

Research has shown that the Keto diet is much more effective than the other recommended low fat diets out there. One of the main benefits of the Keto diet is that it is extremely satisfying and filling, despite being a diet it does not curb one's urge to eat by low calorie intake demands, and hence it does not feel like you are starving yourself. One can lose weight without having to micromanage their calorie intake; in fact studies show that the keto diet plan helps an individual lose 2.2 times more weight than a regular restricted low fat diet. There are specific keto diet plans for men and keto diet for women, thus it is a good idea to consult an expert who can guide you towards the right keto diet plan. Last but not the least, the reason for Keto's popularity is that it not only helps in weight loss but has been proven to help in improving health conditions and prevents metabolic diseases.

Interestingly, the word keto actually is derived from the word ketones, which is an alternative source of fuel for the body, when there is a shortage of glucose in the body. Now typically, when we consume carbohydrates, it breaks down into sugars, which the body absorbs and uses as fuel. However, on the keto diet, the body switches its fuel supply, and runs on fat. In other words, the keto diet helps in weight loss by causing the body to enter into a Ketogenic state, wherein the liver starts to break fats into ketones, which is basically breaking down fats into acid, in order to supply energy

This is how the Keto diet works, however there is much more to this diet than just cutting carbs. Following the keto diet is a complete lifestyle change; like with any eating plan the keto diet comes with its own unique lifestyle requirements. It has its sets of advantages and disadvantages that are important to weigh in before diving into the diet plan.

Keto Diet Benefits :

All in all, the simplistic approach of the keto diet has attracted people to experiment with it, as a result of which there are multiple variations of the keto diet available. The keto diet plan has become one of the most tried diets, and has risen immensely in popularity in the past few years.

While the main benefit of Keto is the effective weight loss and boosting metabolism and reducing appetite. Other benefits include:

  • Improves Acne: Keto diet can reduce acne, as the reduction of carbs can alter the balance of bacteria in the gut, which affects skin.
  • Helps reduce the risk of certain cancers: It is known to prevent and treat certain cancers, and is seen as a complimentary treatment alongside chemotherapy and radiation, as it causes more oxidative stress to cancer cells thereby causing them to die.
  • Improves Heart Health: keto diet causes a drop in cholesterol, and boosts the presence of good cholesterol.
  • Strengthens and protects brain and nerve cells. Additionally, it is known to treat conditions like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, etc.
  • Reduces Blood Sugar
  • Used to treat conditions like epilepsy. Polycystic ovarian syndrome, etc.

The Ketogenic diet offers several keto benefits; however starting the keto diet is a real commitment. It is a strict diet that aims to restrict one's carb intake to around 50 grams a day, and thus it is beneficial to consult a dietician to figure out and customize the diet as per one's needs.

To know more, click here.

What to Eat? Keto diet plan for Indians

  1. Meats play a pivotal role in the keto diet, thus, chicken, red meat, fish, sausages, bacon, etc. are your best friends.
  2. Fish, especially fatty and oil rich fish is a good option. Salmon, trout, Tuna, mackerel are all great options to add to your diet for the best keto diet plan.
  3. Dairy is a major component too- adding cheese, butter, creams are essentials.
  4. Nuts and seeds are filled with good natural fats and work wonders for the wellness of the body too. Almonds, walnuts, flax seeds, chia seeds are all integral parts of the keto diet plan, and make great snacking options too while in between meals.
  5. When it comes to drinks, unsweetened coffee, and water is your go to option. However, if you want to up your game try these keto friendly beverages.
  6. Veggies like cauliflower, kale, spinach, cabbage, tomatoes, capsicums, zucchini, etc. are great options to cook meals with. Additionally, veggies like mint, coriander, mustard leaves, bottle gourd (lauki), bitter gourd (karela), eggplant (baingan), ladyfinger (bhindi) and broccoli go well with the keto diet meal plan.
  7. Tofu or paneer are great alternatives to convert several non-veg dishes into vegetarian options.
  8. Herbs and spices that are used extensively in Indian cooking can be used as normal as they have very low amounts of carbs, this way you can enhance the flavor of even the more boring keto food options.
  9. Cooking oil: Since keto diet is a high fat diet, cooking in ghee, butter or cream is recommended, one can also use coconut or olive oil.
  10. Fruits: Since most fruits are high in carbs, selecting fruits is a little harder. However watermelon, different types of berries and lemons are a few options you can enjoy.

The good thing is that there are actually a lot of options that we use daily in our households that can adapt and become a part of an Indian keto diet plan, and to help solve your concerns here is the ultimate 15 day Indian keto meal plan:

15 days Indian Keto Meal Plan:

The following is a meal plan to help you create keto friendly foods for yourself, to know more about the keto diet meal plan, check out this article.

Day 1:


1 cup of keto/black tea or bulletproof coffee, 1 tsp of keto peanut butter with brown bread and handful of nuts


Bhindi ki sabzi, 2 chapatis made of keto flour along with a bowl of watermelon


One bowl of soupy noodles cooked in olive or keto oil.

Day 2:


1 cup bulletproof coffee, 2 egg omelet cooked in butter, side of bacon


Mutton seekh kabab shallow fried in ghee, 2 chapati's made of keto flour, with blanched broccoli


Paneer/egg bhurji with chapati or with small cup of brown rice stir fried in soy sauce and veggies

Day 3:


1 cup of tea/bulletproof coffee, handful of nuts and keto seed mix, 2 Keto dosa and a small bowl of salad.


Zucchini, onion, tomato, capsicum or veggies of your choice that are keto compliant sautéed in butter, brown bread or 2 chappati's made from Keto Flour.

Snack on nuts or a keto snack/ keto breakfast bar in between meals.


 Chicken tikka with cauliflower rice\

Day 4:


An egg omelet, small bowl of poha, handful of seeds or nuts


Sarso ka saag/palak paneer cooked in Keto Cooking Oil and 2 chapatti's of keto Flour with a bowl of stir-fried veggies


One bowl of soupy veggies cooked in keto oil and a small bowl of brown rice.

Day 5:


4 strips of bacon with 2 scrambled eggs with a cup of unsweetened black coffee


Lettuce, paneer bhurji with vegetables and one chappati of 50% regular flour + 50% Keto Flour. Snack on a handful of seeds with stir fried vegetables cooked in keto oil.


Baked salmon with a serving of pesto chicken salad

Day 6:


Green tea, handful of almonds, paneer bhurji and a glass of avocado smoothie


1 bowl, mix vegetable salad with spinach, capsicum, mushroom, lettuce, with olive oil dressing


Spinach soup with 1 cup mushrooms sautéed in butter or 150g chicken stuffed with pesto and cheese

Day 7:


Green tea/bullet coffee, egg bhurji with veggies, watermelon juice


Chicken malai tikka- 4 pieces with bowl of sautéed vegetables


Shredded chicken with spices and 2 chapatti's

Day 8:


An egg omelet, a small bowl of Poha, a handful of nuts or seeds


Mushroom or zucchini with Paneer pieces roasted in salt and pepper (100g) and one chapati of 50% regular flour + 50% Keto Flour


1 bowl of brown rice with stir fried cauliflower

Day 9:


Keto pancakes with 2 fried eggs, coffee/tea/ smoothie (keto compliant)


Baingan bharta with chapatti and salad bowl


Chicken kababs sautéed in ghee with mix vegetable salad

Day 10:


1 bowl poha, coffee/tea/smoothie with handful of nuts and seeds


Avial, with 3 chapatti's made of keto flour


One bowl of soupy veggie Keto Noodles with olive/coconut/keto oil

Day 11:


Green tea, handful of almonds, paneer bhurji and a glass of avocado smoothie


Mushroom or zucchini with Paneer pieces roasted in salt and pepper (100g) and one chapatti of 50% regular flour + 50% Keto Flour


Spinach soup with 1 cup mushrooms sautéed in butter or 150g chicken stuffed with pesto and cheese

Day 12:


1 cup of tea/bulletproof coffee, handful of nuts and keto seed mix, 2 Keto dosa and a small bowl of salad.


Chicken malai tikka– 4 pieces with bowl of sautéed vegetables


Palak kababs, bowl of salad with shredded chicken

Day 13:


Bulletproof coffee, 2-3 hardboiled eggs, bowl of watermelon


Shallow fried paneer with salad and half cup strawberries or any other fruit that applies


Buttermilk (250ml), simple chicken with masalas, 1-2 chapatti's made of keto flour

Day 14:


Masala omelet with cheese and bacon


Parboiled cauliflower with spices and mutton seekh kabab


1 bowl Cauliflower rice/ brown rice with stir fried chicken or veggies

Day 15:


Green tea, handful of almonds, paneer bhurji and a glass of avocado smoothie


1 bowl, mix vegetable salad with spinach, capsicum, mushroom, lettuce, with olive oil dressing


Spinach soup with 1 cup mushrooms sautéed in butter or 150g chicken stuffed with pesto and cheese

These are a few way you can plan your keto diet plan meals and customize them to be more favored to the Indian taste palate. This culminates the ultimate 15 day keto diet meal plan that helps in effective weight loss, and also helps one feel fit and energized. If and when done correctly, and combined with the right exercise and supplements, it can show great results from within the first few weeks. However, if all these options are too overwhelming, you need not worry, there is several tasty meal options that you can prepare that are closer to home. Here are some Indian dishes that are fit to incorporate into your keto diet plan. To learn how to make the keto diet work for your daily needs here is an article that makes it easier to follow the keto diet with everyday Indian dishes!

Additionally, read about these desi dishes that many do not know are keto friendly, along with a few scrumptious non veg delicacies that one can still enjoy while on the keto diet meal plan.

In conclusion, Keto foods help the dieter lose weight, along with feeling healthier both mentally and physically. It is a diet that focuses on eliminating the carbohydrate food group, and replacing the energy gained from there with fats! This however hoes not mean that carbs are bad, or fats should be consumed in excessive quantities. Keto focuses on creating an overall well balanced diet, with wholesome keto foods.

Women who are being treated for depression and who are pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant should not stop taking antidepressants without talking to their provider first. Beware of natural remedies such as St. John's wort. This is an over-the-counter herb.

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Sample Indian Keto Diet Plan
