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Liquid Diet Plan for 2 Weeks

This content has been Fact-Checked by a Certified Nutritionist in our Publishing Team. Learn more here. Always consult a medical professional before commencing any diet.

Liquid diet to lose weight in 2 weeks. Is this considered extreme weight loss?

I have never tried a liquid diet before, (apart from when I needed it for medical reasons and that was not pleasant!).

But then, would any liquid diet be pleasant at all?

Read on to learn all about the liquid diet and its varieties. We have evaluated the pros and cons and added a bonus for you 🙂

What Is the Liquid Diet?

A liquid diet is a short-term weight-loss method that implies consuming only liquids for a specific period of time.

These can be clear liquids, meal replacement shakes, juices, pureed soups, smoothies, etc.

Liquid diets are one of the most restrictive eating plans. While you are not confined to specific ingredients, certain rules should be followed as far as the consistency of the food goes.

The liquid diet should not be followed for a long period of time and 14 days should be more than enough. In fact you could try the liquid diet for 3 days or 7 seven days. I am sure you will get good results.

There are health risks involved in sticking to this diet for a longer time. I have seen online some people doing it for 30 days, that's extreme!

While in some cases the liquid diet is prescribed by doctors as a pre- or post-operation eating plan, some people do it for the sole reason of shedding pounds.

Liquid diet to lose weight in 2 weeks – How could this work?

The total calorie intake for a day during the liquid diet ranges between 800 and 1200 calories.

Once you start replacing meals with liquids, you will need to eat more than 3 times a day.

This will provide you with more nutrients and will eliminate multiple health risks.

While it is obvious that a strict diet like this one comes with side effects, you should take steps to avoid as many as possible.

Having a hard time-consuming liquids only? I hear you!

Here are some other calorie restricting diets: Dr. Now Diet and Scarsdale Diet by Dr. Tarnower.

girl reading lap top

Liquid Diet Types

There are multiple variations of the liquid diet. However, all of them have one thing in common. You get most of the calories for the day from liquids and not solid foods.

Meal Replacement Liquid Diet

This variety of liquid diet implies that your daily menu contains meal replacement shakes instead of solid meals.

There are numerous brands selling meal replacement shakes. Depending on what you are looking for (organic, vegan, for women, etc.) you can find the one that suits you most.

These shakes usually contain fewer calories. Nonetheless, they do not fall behind your typical meals as far as the nutrients and minerals go.

Well-balanced liquid meals contain all the necessary fats, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. This way nutritional deficiency is brought to the minimum.

Recommended reading:

  • Smoothie Diet For Weight Loss – Delicious Ultimate Guide

Detox Liquid Diet

Detox liquid diet is suitable for those who not only want to lose weight but also cleanse their body and detox.

This type of liquid diet includes drinking juices that will help the body get rid of impurities and toxins. At the same time, due to lowered calorie intake, you will start losing unwanted pounds.

The 21 Days Juice Fasting Diet is a good example of a detoxifying liquid diet. This diet involves consuming 100% natural juices, water, and tea.

Liquid Only Diets

The liquid only diet also referred to as a clear liquid diet, is not something everyone could and should follow. It is a medically prescribed eating plan that is always under the strict inspection and control of doctors.

The liquid only diet includes consuming clear liquids only. These are juices, tea, clear broths, and of course, water.

One variety of liquid only diets is a full liquid diet, which is not as strict as the one described above.

Foods you can consume while on a full liquid diet are Jello, shakes, creamy oatmeal and pudding, etc.

The full liquid diet is much less restrictive than the clear liquid one, as you are allowed to consume food that liquefies at 68-77 °F (room temperature).

Liquid Diet To Lose Weight in 2 Weeks Pros and Cons

pros and cons

Like any other diet, the liquid diet also has its advantages and disadvantages. You should take every aspect of this diet into account before committing to it.


It Works. Painful or not, there is no way you won't lose weight. As long as you follow the rules and don't exceed the calorie intake.

The reason this diet works is because liquids are generally lower in calories than solid foods. Additionally, the total daily calorie count is also decreased.

The longer you stay on a liquid diet the more weight you are likely to lose.

If you compare your 7-day liquid diet results to someone else's 30-day liquid diet weight loss results (10 kg and more), you will surely notice a big difference.

However, sticking to this diet for more than two weeks may bring forth health concerns.

Improved metabolism. While this may not be the case for every person that practices a liquid diet, many people have stated that consuming liquids instead of solid food has boosted their metabolic system.

Less toxins. Liquid diet assists in getting rid of toxins and cleansing the body.

This is why many people practice a 5-7 day liquid diet with the purpose of eliminating any impurities from the body and improving the kidney.

Recommended reading:

  • Metabolic Confusion – How to Trick Your Metabolism into Burning Fat


Not for everyone. Liquid diets are rather restrictive. Even if you have no restrictions to follow this diet as far as physical health is concerned, it may not be a good fit for you.

If you are someone that has never been on a diet before, turn to less restricting eating plans. If you are not doing well with diets, practice healthy eating, and exercise.

Losing muscle. The liquid diet plan is a great way for a relatively easy weight loss. However, be prepared that once you lose a certain amount of fat, your muscles will start suffering. You will lose muscle mass which, unfortunately, requires a lot of hard work to gain back.

Gaining weight back easily. The liquid diet has such a limiting eating plan that many people tend to overeat once it is over. Thus, fluid diets are not long-term weight-loss strategies and are not quite sustainable.

Digestive problems. Many people who practice liquid diets feel a boost in their metabolism. However, many others encounter such problems as constipation. This happens when you do not get enough fiber from your liquid meals.

Less energy. The reduced amount of calorie intake during the liquid diet may deprive you of energy. Thus, if the diet is not prescribed to you due to medical conditions, take into account that you may not be active enough to work out.

Recommended reading:

  • Banting Diet | Weight Loss Revolution That Promises Real Results

Liquid Diet to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks Diet Plan

Coming up with a full liquid diet plan for weight loss may seem hard and intimidating. On the positive note, the clear liquid diet has very few options, so that you don't have much to choose from. And its fairly easy to make up a menu.

A full liquid diet, on the other hand, while has certain restrictions, includes a good range of foods for a diversified daily eating plan.

If you are on a clear liquid diet, your daily menu might be as follows:

  • 8 a.m. – Meal replacement shake
  • 9 a.m. – 240ml skim milk
  • 11 a.m. – Meal replacement shake
  • 1 p.m. – 240 ml broth
  • 2 p.m. – Jello (sugar-free)
  • 4 p.m. – Meal replacement shake
  • 5 p.m. – 240 ml broth
  • 6 p.m. – Meal replacement shake
  • 8 p.m.–240 ml broth (or water)

In such clear liquid diet plans, the meal replacement shake should serve as a source of protein. You should drink around 750ml of water in between your main meals and snacks.

When it comes to full liquid diet plans, things seem to be easier and more appealing.

Your daily menu with a full liquid diet plan may include:


  • 1 cup farina (thin out with milk for a liquidy texture)
  • 240 ml fruit juice

Morning Snack

  • 240 ml of liquid dietary supplement
  • 240 ml yogurt


  • 240 ml of vegetable juice
  • 480 ml soup
  • 1 cup pudding

Midday Snack

  • 240 ml fruit juice
  • 240 ml of liquid dietary supplement


  • 240 ml homemade lemonade with no sugar
  • 480 ml soup
  • 1 cup blended oatmeal (thin out with milk for a liquidy texture)

What Can You Drink?

Unless you are not following a clear liquid diet, which only includes water, herbal tea, and broth, you have a comparatively good variety of products to choose from.

During a full liquid diet, you are allowed to drink everything that gets a liquidy consistency at room temperature.

You can drink all kinds of fruit and vegetable juices. You can either remove the pulp or leave the pulp in. If you use the pulp too, you will get a good amount of fiber. However, consult with your nutritionist on that.

Soups can be a big part of the liquid diet plan. Not only are they more filling but also can be more diverse and enjoyable. You can choose between clear chicken, beef or vegetable broth, or have fun with your daily menu and make pureed soups. Remember that you should strain your soups before eating.

Dairy products, such as skim milk and yogurt can also be incorporated into your menu.

The liquid diets have a good variety of beverages you can include in your daily eating plan. You can still enjoy your coffee and tea, milkshakes, lemonade, etc. Beverages providing dietary supplements are sometimes included in the menu too.

Aside from the things you can actually drink, the full liquid diet also allows eating food that is not necessarily liquidy but can be altered to reach such consistency.

Cereals thinned out with milk are a great option for breakfast. You can also eat Cream of Wheat or Rice.

While most diets eliminate deserts, with the full liquid diet you have the luxury of indulging in a pudding, gelatin, sherbet, and even ice-cream (no sugar).

Recommended reading:

  • No Sugar Diet – Are You Ready For This Challenge?

Bonus: Liquid Diet to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks Recipes

Here are a few easy recipes to fit into your full liquid diet eating plan.

Berry Cauliflower Smoothie

The best part about the full liquid diet plan is that you can incorporate delicious smoothies into your menu.

This mixed berry smoothie has a creamy texture and will fit well into your full liquid diet plan. If you are worried about cauliflowers, you will not even notice it with the prevailing taste of berries. However, it will still provide a bunch of benefits.


  • 300 ml of coconut water
  • 25 g blueberries (frozen)
  • 30 g raspberries (frozen)
  • ½ cup cauliflower (frozen)
  • 1 tbsp almond butter

Recommended reading:

  • Baking Soda and Apple Cider Vinegar For Weight Loss + Recipes

Super Cherry Juice

This colorful cherry and beets juice is packed with antioxidants and has a number of health benefits.

All you need to do is to chop up the ingredients, put them in your juicer machine and healthy juice to complete your liquid diet is ready.


  • 3 beets
  • 1 cup of pitted cherries
  • 3 carrots
  • 3 celery sticks

Creamy Zucchini Soup

A bowl of tasty zucchini soup with a creamy consistency that cooks in just 10 minutes. It is extremely easy to put together.

Chop the vegetables and cook them in a steamer basket for 10 minutes. Put the steamed vegetables in the blender and blend until they become creamy.

To adjust this soup to the full liquid diet, strain it through a mesh strainer.


  • 4 zucchinis
  • 1 onion
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and pepper (optional)

Warnings and Side Effects

Liquid diet to lose weight in 2 weeks may present health risks and side effects.

Hence, it is highly recommended to consult a professional to figure out the terms of the diet and which type is suited for you.

As there are important things you should know before starting any diet plan, professional guidance will certainly be more than helpful.

Replacing your breakfast or lunch with a liquid meal leads to calorie decrease.

If your liquid meal does not satisfy you enough, you will be prone to snacking more throughout the day. Thus, the diet may not bring to the desired end result.

The liquid diet is not a suitable eating plan for pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as anyone that is underweight.

Recommended reading:

  • How to Lose 5 Pounds in 2 Weeks – Complete Diet Plan With Recipes

This content has been Fact-Checked by a Certified Nutritionist in our Publishing Team. Learn more here.

Liquid Diet Plan for 2 Weeks
